Orage-Cranberry Scones-Recipe Below

Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Problem with Nutella...

One of my absolute favorite flavors in the whole wide world is...(wait for it)...Nutella. There really is nothing better than the sweet, creamy flavor and texture combined to create this little jar of heaven. So, if it's so good, 'what's the problem?' you may ask. The problem (or at least my problem is...and probably your's, too - don't lie) is that you can not. stop. eating. it. The little jar of heaven continues to call my name whenever it's in the pantry. Now, this wouldn't be a problem if Nutella consisted of several grams of protein, maybe a little fiber, and, oh, just 10 grams of fat instead of 80. See my predicament now? Take this, for example - if you look on the back of the Nutella jar, you'll find that 1 serving size equals approximately 170-200 calories. This wouldn't be all that bad if the serving size wasn't only 2 tablespoons.  I mean, who can only eat 2 tablespoons of, I repeat, this little jar of heaven? My biggest concern - when will all of this finally catch up with me and my 17-year-old metabolism? Whatever the consequences may be, for now I'll just sit back and enjoy.


  1. Dear Kaker,
    Answer to your last question--NEVER!!! Your "17-year-old metabolism" will take care of it and many more "little jars of heaven". ;D

    So my question to you is--creamy or crunchy?


  2. You know, as I was eating spoonfuls of that delicious crunchy stuff you brought me today I realized that it's a little more milky than the normal Nutella... hmm I'd have to go with creamy - it's classic! <3
